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    Why are Tech Giants Moving into the Cloud?

    A recent survey conducted by CommVault suggested that “81% of IT leaders were either extremely concerned or very concerned about missing out on cloud advancements”.

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    The Seamless Integration of Systems

    There is a wide range of different healthcare data types that need to be brought together from many and various sources that often cross organizational boundaries and different care settings. This data needs to be respected and protected as it is made available in a patient’s electronic health record via the established user profile views. 

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    Patient Generated Health Data

    From FHIR® profiling through to coping with different FHIR® versions

    How is FHIR® is boosting information sharing? FHIR® or Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources is an IT healthcare standard that will help to improve the day to day running of community medical practices and hospitals...

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    APIs in Healthcare

    An API, or application programming interface, is a set of standards that enable communication between multiple sources, most typically software applications.

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    Radiology: Benefits of Moving Away from Point-to-Point Interfaces

    Managing radiology application interfaces using an integration engine is much more cost effective and efficient than relying on RIS and EHR vendors.

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    FHIR, IHE Profiles and Open EHR

    FHIR, IHE Profiles and Open EHR

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    Slow and Steady: The Journey Toward Interoperability

    While there has been a lot of discussion regarding interoperability as the future of healthcare, there are still a number of significant roadblocks for true interoperability.

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    Monitor interfaces

    Interoperability vs. the Opioid Crisis

    Health IT professionals have long advocated the urgent need for computerized systems to connect, communicate, share, and interpret data under the banner of “interoperability,” but while there has been significant uptake in purchases, there hasn’t been the same uptake in usage.

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    FHIR and the Future of Integration Engines

    FHIR and the future of integration engines

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