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PHI security using an interface engine

If health data interoperability is the hottest topic in health IT, then health data security is a close second by a very thin margin. Sharing health data without security assurances would be like watching a NASCAR event that prevented drivers from wearing seatbelts or helmets – sure it’s still a car race, but it’s unlikely […]

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White papers

Improve PHI security using a modern interface engine

PHI Security in corepoint integration engine

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What the financial industry knows about IT performance… and healthcare should

Using other industries as a guide, a path has already been paved that demonstrates the ability of the Microsoft platform to handle the necessary scaling

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Will FHIR Be Used with Telehealth and Telemedicine?

The initial motivating examples for FHIR's creation was, in fact, mobile health. So the distinction in my mind between telehealth and mobile health is that telehealth is remote presence.

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How Will Healthcare Interface Engines Support FHIR?

How do interface engines support FHIR? When looking at an engine replacement, what should be considered?

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Will FHIR Replace CCDs?

Can you address how FHIR might impact CCD exchange? Will CCDs fade away, or will they coexist? Answer from HL7 FHIR Governance Board Co-Chair and Corepoint Health CTO Dave Shaver.

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How will FHIR be used in a multiple EHR scenario?

How will FHIR be used in a multiple EHR scenario?

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How is Authentication Handled Using FHIR?

How can you control external data access to information about specific patients? Answers from HL7 FHIR Governance Board Co-Chair and Corepoint Health CTO Dave Shaver.

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When Will FHIR Be Used by U.S. Hospitals?

When will FHIR be used by U.S. hospitals? What are the typical workflows that will be supported? Will FHIR replace V2? We answer these questions on our blog.

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