
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

The Most Digital Companies Are Leaving All the Rest Behind

From Harvard Business Review:

“A new digital divide has opened up in America. Just about every individual, company and sector of the economy now has access to digital technologies — there are hardly any “have nots” anymore. But a widening gap exists between the “haves” and a group we call the “have-mores”: companies and sectors that are using their digital capabilities far more than the rest to innovate and transform how they operate.The U.S. economy operates at only 18% of its digital potential.”

Read the full article at:

Some really interesting facts to ponder in this Harvard Business Review article. Reminds us of our customer, Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital. They’re not a large hospital and they don’t have a large IT staff, yet they’ve committed themselves to become a leader. As a result, they were honored by Healthcare IT News in 2011 and 2012 as the #1-ranked small hospital in their annual Best Hospital IT Departments list. This year, the hospital was named a “Most Wired Hospital” by Hospitals and Health Networks magazine. Read their story here

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