
Integrating clinical data

Get started on your journey to clinical data integration for higher-quality data and improved member engagement.

Meet 21st Century Cures Act guidelines

Provide members with increased access to their health information and improve interoperability to meet federal guidelines.

Integrate data with complete confidence

Rhapsody solutions meet the privacy, security, and safety needs that health plans require.

Turn data into insights

Build your risk-adjustment strategies with comprehensive data.

Rely less on clearinghouses and EDIFACT transactions

Reduce costs associated with transactions for eligibility and benefit verification, prior authorization, claims submissions and more.

Focus on your members

Level up on member experience

Leverage data to help close gaps in care, improve care coordination, and assess the impact on quality measures.

Get access to the data you need

Whether it’s member demographics, lab results, problem lists, medication lists, immunization records, or other types of clinical data, Rhapsody can help with clinical data interchange.

Clinical data exchange in any standard

Exchange in any health standard: EDI HL7/X12, CCD, CCD-A, APIs, including FHIR, and others.

Share data with members in a meaningful way

Confidently and securely share data with third-party applications of the members’ choice.

Meet CMS requirements for interoperability

Share provider directory data to the public through standards-based APIs.

Get the interoperability solution you need

Customize for any environment with Rhapsody Integration Engine, a flexible solution that enables your expert team to build quickly with a scalable cost.

Learn about Rhapsody Integration Engine

Data security is patient safety

Rhapsody® health solutions are trusted by 1,700+ healthcare organizations around the world, in part because of our commitment to data privacy and security. We have experience complying with complex regulations around the world. In addition to HIPAA and GDPR, there are country-, region-, provincial-, and state-specific regulations and certifications that we stay on top of to ensure compliance for ourselves and our customers.

Get connected today

Connect with one of our interoperability specialists to learn how Rhapsody can help you focus on delivering better healthcare.