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Integrating Clinical Data

Get started on your journey to clinical data integration for higher-quality data and improved member engagement

The transition from fee-for-service to value-based care is happening. New value-based care models demand seamless information sharing among payers, providers, and health IT vendors.

Plus, the new rules set by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) in March 2020 mean major changes for how and what health data is shared.

Today’s rally cry is for true interoperability across organizational boundaries. Yet so much clinical data is siloed away, making it difficult for payers to act on.

To ensure success, payers must create and implement a carefully thought-out clinical data integration plan.

In this new guide, Integrating Clinical Data, you’ll learn:

  • How to create a clinical data integration strategy
  • How your business plans and processes should dictate your data-integration needs
  • What the integration technology landscape looks like
  • Who you need on your integration team
  • How to scale integrations
  • The solution to clinical data integration

The results of seamless interoperability are highly rewarding. The final result leads to higher-quality data, improvements in risk adjustment, care management, and care coordination — and better member engagement.


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