
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

MACRA’s Success Depends on Health IT


Read the full post on the EMR & HIPAA blog.

“For value-based care to work, patient data needs to be made available for providers to coordinate with each other, as well as to payers, to properly evaluate performance based on all known information. Those still blocking or jacking up prices for data access are complicit in obstructing the vision of a learning value-based system.


It is time to remove technical barriers through modern and open data standards like FHIR, as well as rules and unreasonable fees that prevent parties from accessing data when they need it. Thankfully, the Advancing Care Information performance category will reflect the emphasis on information exchange set forth in Meaningful Use Stage 3.”

Good post by Steve Daniels on what is needed for MACRA’s success.

With MACRA, the HHS aims to address 3 health IT priorities:

  • Improved interoperability along with the ability of physicians and patients to easily move and receive information
  • Increased flexibility as compared to the Meaningful Use program
  • User-friendly technology designed around physician workflows

160824_CPH_BestOfBreed_HSad_R1Are you optimistic about MACRA’s future? No one can blame the skeptics; however, with so much at stake (both in terms of patient care and profits) no forward-thinking healthcare provider should bury their heads in the sand.

One that that’s for certain, the demands for health data will continue to increase with value-based care programs and applications. The best way innovative organizations can meet these demands is to establish a strategic data framework built on interoperable health data. From that point, any objective or goal will be made much easier, increasing the stability and success of your organization in connecting data to care.

To read more about the changes MACRA is bringing to the industry, see MIPS replacing Meaningful Use for physicians.

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