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HL7 posts new FHIR test version tuned for clinical decision support, complex queries, and genomics data.
Dubbed release candidate number 3, the latest incarnation of the emerging interoperability standard also brings advancements for workflow, eClaims, CCDA profiles and provider directories.
Corepoint Health founder and CTO Dave Shaver sat down last week with Tom Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Healthcare IT News, to discuss the latest version of HL7 FHIR. Dave plays a leading role in FHIR’s development as co-chair of the HL7 FHIR Governance Committee.
According to Dave, we are moving closer to the first normative edition of FHIR, likely in May 2017. That is a significant milestone because the following versions of the standard after the normative edition must be “backwards compatible.” This is key for developers and vendors hoping to create applications using the standard, which is based on RESTful web services and available in Corepoint Integration Engine.
According to the article, which you can read at the link above, many hospitals and healthcare providers are asking when FHIR will be done; however, those are not necessarily the top priorities at this point in the process, Dave said.
The real questions providers should be asking are whether their software vendors are participating in HL7, whether they’re trialing FHIR so that they will be properly positioned to implement and support the standard.
“We’re marching on this process to create a standard, a very challenging problem,” said Shaver. “You get feedback and need to change it based on that feedback. Just like an artist, we work hard to create the standard but in the end you don’t know whether the audience will receive it well or not.”