
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

CIOs advise Trump to ditch Meaningful Use

Interoperable data platform

From Scott Mace at HealthLeaders Media:

Scuttling meaningful use for hospitals, continuing with value-based payment efforts, and using the most advanced technology available are some of the nuggets of advice some healthcare CIOs have for President-Elect Donald Trump.


Intermountain Healthcare’s Scott Probst said that the check-the-box approach to health IT limits innovation, frustrates caregivers, and increases costs. He said it’s time to let providers and other helathcare organizations pave their own way and decide the best technology is for their investment. He also called for true symantic interoperability.

A great article from health IT journalist Scott Mace that offers a health IT wish list from some of the country’s top CIOs.

What is your take on the Meaningful Use approach to pushing healthcare organizations to move to the digital age? It now seems a majority of CIOs and health leaders believe that MU Stage 2 and 3 are unnecessary and keep organizations from truly implementing new innovations.

After spending millions on prescribed technology, hospitals are unlikely to ditch EHRs and make a 180-degree return to paper files. Many, including John Halamka, CIO at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center, believe that value-based care — the real prize at the end of this Meaningful Use rainbow — is going nowhere. Not only is it beneficial to patient satisfaction, it improves the bottom line in several ways.

Value-based care, however, is not possible without an integrated network that places an extreme emphasis on health data interoperability between all systems. Only when an interoperable foundation has been laid is it possible for care organizations to read the rewards of forward-facing technology that can offer game-changing insights through data analytics and coordinated care.

To learn how some of the country’s most technologically driven hospitals have created a foundation built on health data, download and read our detailed white paper:

Strategic data framework: Healthcare searches for IT stability to manage and implement change.

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