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White papers

The critical link between patient identity and SDOH

How identity data management can bridge gaps across the care continuum 

80% of health outcomes are determined by non-clinical factors, most of which are influenced by geography and socioeconomic conditions. These social determinants of health (SDOH) make up most factors contributing to population health, and payers and providers are seeking to build a total picture of patients’ health to offer intervention and support. 

Screening and intervention are logical steps in assessing social determinants but knowing how to put this data into effective use remains a challenge. Now, emerging technology tools such as a single patient identifier could bring a more comprehensive view of a patient and offer insight into their ability to benefit from specific care plans. 

In this whitepaper, The critical link between patient identity and SDOH, we share: 

  • The impact non-clinical factors have on an individual’s health 
  • How providers use policy and process solutions to address solution needs 
  • How technology, like patient matching tools, can be used to bridge gaps in patient care 


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