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[Forrester TEI] Rhapsody saved customers $1.59 million (net) and drove 193% ROI over three years — with <6 months payback 

The Total Economic Impact ™ Of Rhapsody Healthcare Data Integration Solutions

A thorough, unbiased analysis of implementing Rhapsody. 

A June 2024 commissioned Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study found that a composite organization representative of interviewed customers saved $1.59 million (net) over three years by investing in Rhapsody. In addition, with Rhapsody, customers can: 

  • Enhance customer and patient experiences
  • Increase the efficiency of engineer workflows
  • Improve health data quality and availability
  • Simplify implementation and maintenance
  • Gain better security and privacy controls 

All through Rhapsody digital health data integration solutions.

Download your no-obligation copy of The Total Economic Impact ™ Of Rhapsody Healthcare Data Integration Solutions

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