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Case studies

Randolph Hospital

MEDITECH Hospital Upgrades Integration Engine

Recently the Corepoint Professional Services team had an opportunity to assist a new customer, Randolph Hospital in Asheboro, NC, upgrade their legacy interface engine to Corepoint Integration Engine in a MEDITECH 6.07 environment.

When the Java programmer responsible for building all of their interfaces left, it created an opportunity to upgrade their integration engine and better support new interfaces that would soon be needed.

With the assistance of the Corepoint Professional Services team, 30 interfaces were converted in about 40 hours over two months – close to 20 hours fewer than expected.

Chandra Cook, Systems Integration Architect explained:

My background was as a systems engineer, and while I was very familiar with the requirements of each interface, neither I or anyone else on our team felt comfortable touching the Java code controlling our interfaces. So when one of the interfaces went down, we knew it was time to find a new, programming-free engine.

Our director of applications conducted a search and narrowed the choice down to three vendors. he turned the final decision over to our evaluation team. we participated in demonstrations from each vendor, and ultimately the vote was unanimous. we selected Corepoint Integration Engine

The ability to create interfaces and manage the integration environment without the need for any programming was key in the decision to select Corepoint.

We were adamant we didn’t want to have to code because we don’t have any programmers on staff. I can’t say enough about the application. Corepoint Integration Engine is just really easy and intuitive to use. Plus it’s windows-based, which I love.

Using a combination of online training and some assistance from the Corepoint professional services team, all the interfaces were rewritten much sooner than expected.

Most of the interfaces were very standard, simply needing to convert programming logic of the old interface engine into action list logic within Corepoint Integration Engine.

There was one fairly complicated interface to build. the billing provider for the hospitalist and emergency department requires a flat file sent daily containing a batch-summary of each day’s HL7 adts, with an adt count in the header/footer.

I was a little perplexed on how to create this interface. the Corepoint team was a great resource – helping me step by step, ensuring that I was able to retain the skills so that I could then apply them again in the future.

Since going live with Corepoint Integration Engine, we’ve had no down time whatsoever. But I know if there is an issue, great help is just a phone call away.

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