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Stark Exception Extended, Leaving Options Open for Subsidizing Interoperability

Stark Exception Extended, Leaving Options Open for Subsidizing Interoperability

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The Direct Project in Meaningful Use Stage 2

The Direct Project in Meaningful Use Stage 2

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Meaningful Use Stage 3 Timeline Extension

Meaningful Use Stage 3 Timeline Extension

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The Value of Monitoring Metrics

The Value of Monitoring Metrics

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5 Questions to Ask When Calling a Reference During the RFP Process

When engaging in a RFP process for a new software vendor, calling references is arguably one of the most important steps of the process.

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Windows Servers Continue to Shine in Reliability Surveys, Downtime No Longer a Concern

Windows Servers Continue to Shine in Reliability Surveys, Downtime No Longer a Concern

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Case studies

Radiology Consultants of Iowa

Interoperability Success: Radiology Consultants of Iowa

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Interoperability Success: Radiology Consultants of Iowa

Interoperability Success: Radiology Consultants of Iowa

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Radiology Roundtable Discussion at Corepoint Connect 2013

Radiology Roundtable Discussion at Corepoint Connect 2013

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