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    Why Provider Data Management is Ripe for Digital Disruption

    Why Provider Data Management is Ripe for Digital Disruption 

    Allowing physicians to proactively manage and verify their information would strengthen data quality and diminish the time between data submission and use.

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    Flexibility interface

    Technology Strategies Helping Healthcare Leaders Get Through The COVID Crisis

    1) Increase capacity for data exchange; 2) Interconnect telehealth with other IT; 3) Connect for whole-person care.

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    Press releases

    Rhapsody Acquires Datica Integration Business, Launches Rhapsody Envoy to Make Effortless Interoperability a Reality

    Managed interoperability with pre-built connectivity to Rhapsody® Integration Engine and Corepoint® Integration Engine

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    API Primer The API resource for healthcare providers

    What Payers and Providers Need to Know About the ONC and CMS Information Blocking Rules

    Complying with the CMS and ONC rules requires a health data integration layer, such as API managers or integration engines.

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    Why is Interoperability So Important for Healthcare Organizations?

    But what is Interoperability? I think there are (at least) 2 aspects to interoperability – the technical and the social.

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    WHAT IS HL7 2 - stockfresh 9674474 modern-medical-technology-system-and-devices sizeXS-min

    What is HL7? – An Overview of HL7 Standard

    HL7 is the most important standard currently used in healthcare but, there is still confusion over what it actually is and how it works. This article provides a high-level summary of HL7, its strengths, weaknesses, and how APIs are changing the entire healthcare interoperability industry.

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    Flexibility interface

    How to improve clinical workflow 30 expert tips

    Healthcare organizations are embracing innovative technologies at a faster pace than ever before, but clinical workflow management remains a pain point.

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    Guidance in FHIR implementation woman with tablet

    Guidance in FHIR implementation

    A FHIR terminology solution provides you with definitions of code systems, value sets, and concept map resources.

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    Press releases

    Rhapsody Collaborates with Sensato and Secure Exchange Solutions to Further Empower Provider and Public Health Organizations

    These partnerships will build on Rhapsody's mission to create interoperability in healthcare by encouraging and facilitating collaboration among healthcare technology providers.

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