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White papers

How API technology enhances privacy and security and protects patient data 

As API adoption accelerates, privacy and security must stay top of mind for healthcare leaders in the United States

Digital transformation efforts, the Covid-19 pandemic, and government policy, specifically the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule and the ONC Cures Act Final Rule, have accelerated wider adoption of application programming interfaces (APIs) in healthcare.  

While APIs may seem relatively new to health IT, this technology is well proven and now is being applied in new ways to make health systems more secure and protective of patient privacy.  

To gain insight and answers into the current fear, uncertainty, and doubt that exists among many health IT leaders around APIs, download this whitepaper, How API technology enhances privacy and security and protects patient data. In it, we address: 

  • The differences between health IT privacy and security in the U.S. 
  • How APIs have evolved to ensure patient data remains secure as it is used by clinicians and other staff   
  • How security measures used by API technology and Health Level 7 (HL7) systems compare   
  • The behavioral aspects of security that come into play when employees share or transport important data  
  • The advantages of API stateless nature vs. traditional file transfer  
  • Protecting against API vulnerabilities 

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