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HL7 NK1 Segment

The NK1 segment contains information about the patient’s other related parties, and any associated parties.  If necessary, multiple NK1 segments can be sent to patient accounts using the NK1-1-set ID field. If a person or organization fulfills multiple contact roles, for example, a person is an emergency contact and a next of kin, it is recommended to send a NK1 segment for each contact role (field 7).

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NK1 Attributes

The NK1 fields are as follows:

14SIR Set ID – NK1
360CEO Relationship
540XTNOYPhone Number
640XTNOYBusiness Phone Number
760CEO Contact Role
88DTO Start Date
98DTO End Date
1060STO Next of Kin / Associated Parties Job Title
1120JCCO Next of Kin / Associated Parties Job Code/Class
1220CXO Next of Kin / Associated Parties Employee Number
1390XONOYOrganization Name – NK1
1480CEO Marital Status
151ISO Sex
1626TSO Date/Time of Birth
172ISOYLiving Dependency
182ISOYAmbulatory Status
2060CEO Primary Language
212ISO Living Arrangement
2280CEO Publicity Code
231IDO Protection Indicator
242ISO Student Indicator
2580CEO Religion
2648XPNOYMother’s Maiden Name
2780CEO Nationality
2880CEOYEthnic Group
2980CEOYContact Reason
3048XPNOYContact Person’s Name
3140XTNOYContact Person’s Telephone Number
32106XADOYContact Person’s Address
3332CXOYNext of Kin/Associated Party’s Identifiers
342ISO Job Status
362ISO Handicap
3716STO Contact Person Social Security Number

*Note: For the complete HL7 Standard, please go to the HL7 organization website.

In HL7 pipe and hat format, the NK1 segment (shown in red) for an ADT-A01 message would look like this:



PID|||PATID1234^5^M11||JONES^WILLIAM^A^III||19610615|M||C|1200 N ELM





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