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White papers

Addressing NHS challenges: the role of next generation interoperability

The NHS has long tried to address interoperability challenges across the healthcare ecosystem with national strategies, Trust-level IT systems, and now, integrated care boards for better cooperation and integration across 42 localities. 

However, as the NHS faces an unprecedented lack of resources, staffing challenges, and a myriad of disparate IT programmes and data standards, traditional interoperability approaches are not enough.  

In this white paper, Trust and ICS leaders will learn: 

  • Why efforts to drive interoperability through procurement of common systems or mandating standards-based approaches have largely been unsuccessful thus far 
  • How the NHS can achieve next-generation interoperability to benefit planners and commissioners, clinicians, and patients 
  • How a vendor-neutral and innately interoperable technology stack can connect a web of systems deployed by different vendors, at different points in time, using different interoperability approaches and standards 

Download the white paper to learn more. 

Leading digital health technology providers and 85+ NHS Trusts use Rhapsody to accurately connect, classify, and clean healthcare data.

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