Rhapsody Education Services
Welcome to Education Services
Unlock the value of your IT investment through our in-depth courses, offered online and in-person.

Healthcare Standards Education
For customers and approved partners
HL7: First Steps
Our HL7: First Steps course is a self-paced course for healthcare professionals who are beginning HL7 education. This primer course provides an overview of HL7 version 2 and will help you understand the importance of HL7 in healthcare applications. (Approx: 2.5 hours to complete)
For customers and approved partners
HL7 FHIR: First Steps
HL7 FHIR is an emerging standard in healthcare integration, and Rhapsody is taking a lead role in helping customers and approved partners support this new messaging standard. This self-paced course will equip you to learn how FHIR resources can be used in your workflows. (Approx: 2.5 hours to complete)
For customers and approved partners
HL7 FHIR Overview
This 3-day instructor-led course is aimed at those wanting to gain a solid understanding of the FHIR specification and its key components. This 50% hands-on class will help you familiarize yourself with the FHIR standard and its use in applications.
Corepoint Integration Engine Education
For customers and approved partners
Corepoint Integration Engine: Associate Certification
This online self-paced course provides comprehensive training on configuring, testing, and maintaining HL7 v2 interfaces via TCP/IP. It offers practical real-world, hands-on activities so you gain a solid understanding of managing interfaces. (Approx: 25 hours to complete)
For Associate certified customers and approved partners
Corepoint Integration Engine: Professional – Troubleshooting & Alerts
In this course, you will be presented with a wide variety of problems that you might encounter in your interfaces. You will learn how to troubleshoot errors ranging from HL7 parsing and encoding issues, derivative or action list modifications, and TCP/IP and acknowledgment modifications.
For customers and approved partners
Corepoint Integration Engine: Professional – Web Services
This two-day online training course gives you hands-on experience developing common interfaces to connect through SOAP and RESTful web services. You will learn how web services are used in healthcare, their roles (client vs. server), common terminology, and their message structure.
For Associate certified customers and approved partners
Corepoint Integration Engine: Optimizing Your Interfaces
This two-day instructor-led course focuses on optimizing your interfaces, processes workflows and environment, and is currently being offered in-person at the CONNECT user conference.
Rhapsody Integration Engine Education
For customers and approved partners
Rhapsody Integration Engine: Associate Certification
This course covers the foundations and underlying concepts required for an introductory understanding of the Rhapsody Integration Engine. The course is intended for administrators tasked with using Rhapsody to manage the flow of messages in an organization. (Approx: 40 hours to complete)
For Associate Certified customers and partners only
Rhapsody Integration Engine: Professional Certification
Provides the competency required by administrators tasked with creating Rhapsody routes and interfaces from scratch. Associate Certification is a prerequisite for this course. (Approx: 60 hours to complete)
For Professional Certified customers and partners only
Rhapsody Integration Engine: Expert Level Modules
Provides additional expert level courses for consultants and administrators working on complex sites that may include multiple Rhapsody engines, high message throughput or complex message requirements. Professional Certification is a prerequisite.
For customers and approved partners only
Rhapsody Integration Engine Basic Maintenance
Rhapsody Integration Engine: Basic Maintenance is designed for Rhapsody administrators tasked with ensuring the efficient day-to-day running of the application. This course will help with identifying and solving common issues before they become significant.
For Associate certified customers and approved partners
Rhapsody Integration Engine Optimization
The Rhapsody Optimization class focuses on getting the most out of your Rhapsody engine. This includes best practices for optimization and efficiency. This two-day instructor-led course is currently being offered in-person at the CONNECT user conference.