
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

TigerConnect, Rhapsody Integration from the Co-Creation Lab

Tiger Connect Logo

The Co-Creation Lab is excited to release our first “Partner Connecter” class of Rhapsody Integration Engine configurations. 

Rhapsody has partnered with TigerConnect, the industry leader in secure healthcare communication, to create a series of reusable Rhapsody configurations that simplify the process of integrating a health system to TigerConnect via Rhapsody. 

By using MakerSpace, Rhapsody Solution Consultant Seth Rosenberg and TigerConnect Enterprise Sales Director Andrew Cordell have co-created an offering of reusable interfaces to benefit organizations that use both TigerConnect and the Rhapsody Interoperability Platform. 

This Co-Creation Lab project has produced three interfaces that quickly and easily integrate the two solutions to promote interoperability and improve patient outcomes by ensuring alerts and clinical information is intelligently delivered in real time: 

Alert and Response Interface – When a message traversing Rhapsody is considered alert-worthy (such as a critical lab result), it can be delivered to the Alerts tab within TigerConnect. The TigerConnect user can then respond to the alert via customizable action buttons (such as Accept, Decline, Forward). This response is sent from TigerConnect to Rhapsody, where it can be used to trigger additional actions or workflows. 

Admit/Discharge/Transfer/Lab/Custom Smart Cards to Care Teams – When a relevant message traverses the Rhapsody Engine (such as an ADT/ORU/etc.), it is delivered to TigerConnect’s Care Teams tab to kick off a contextual, patient-centered group conversation. Additional events augment the existing conversation thread. 

Standard Message Interface – This interface enables a message traversing through Rhapsody to be delivered as a secure TigerConnect message to the appropriate TigerConnect user. 

Contact the Co-Creation Lab Team. 

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