
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

HL7 v2 remains the bedrock of health data exchange

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Today’s high-quality, sustainable health IT systems depend on an integration layer that serves as the health data platform to interoperate between applications. While much attention has been placed on the EHR system, the integration layer serves as the catalyst for all health data activities and allows IT departments to break free from EHR databases and gain full control of their patients’ health data.

That’s the role Corepoint Integration Engine plays for hundreds of healthcare providers.

The demand for population health, precision medicine, mobile applications, and home health applications has highlighted the need for rapid and more lightweight digital integration. This need will be met through FHIR-based web APIs (application programmer interface) technology—which gives applications simple and fast access into other applications’ data.

As a software company, we are always looking at the changing needs in the marketplace to ensure our software stays ahead of the curve so our customers can stay on the cutting edge of health data exchange. FHIR, RESTful web services, and evolved data monitoring features are all present in Corepoint Integration Engine.

While we get excited about future trends and possibilities, it’s important to remain focused on the basics of current healthcare data exchange, which remains HL7 v2.

HL7 is part of the foundation in which any healthcare interface, integration, or interoperability initiative can begin. There are no “out-of-the-box” HL7 templates between two or more applications, since each application is implemented a little differently and HL7 is used with just a little modification. This is what creates the joy and opportunity for many healthcare interfacing teams in the essential work they do.

If you want to review some of the basics, below are links to the common HL7 message types and an overview of what is really involved in an HL7 interface. You can visit our HL7 Resource Page for a comprehensive list. This page remains a valuable reference source for interface teams (and consistently one of the most visited on our website).

HL7 will remain a key ingredient for data exchange even as the industry adopts new methods and protocols. Current and future customers can be assured that Corepoint Integration Engine will continue to provide a high performing data platform for all healthcare organizations.


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