
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

HIMSS21 Day 3 Recap

The view from the floor

Day 3 is when the conference starts to wind down, so reduced floor traffic meant more space to wander the halls and see other exhibitors. Tom Myers, senior director of cloud solutions, and I took the opportunity to catch up with some former colleagues and coworkers at Vida Diagnostics (VIDA. A Lung and Respiratory Intelligence Company. – Modernize lung and respiratory care (, who are bringing a unique blend of AI and OCR to imaging for respiratory conditions like interstitial lung disease, a particularly expensive and inefficient area of imaging.

One thing we learned

My fellow product manager Austin Dobson and I are like dogs with a bone when it comes to sessions on ONC and CMS rules — we simply have to bite. Today was no exception, and I sat in on a session facilitated by Alan Swenson from CareQuality, a subcontractor for the Sequoia Project, the Recognized Coordinating Entity (RCE) for TEFCA.

Alan ran us through a brief history of TEFCA (which we too can recite chapter and verse both backward and forward), and discussed the current state of key TEFCA ingredients, like how they are defining Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINs), which standards and frameworks they are using, and which phases of connectivity they will be defining in later phases of TEFCA.

Austin and I excitedly exchanged texts about the content of the session and are already compiling the comments and feedback we’d like to submit to ONC during the comment and feedback process.

Happenings at the booth

It was a relatively quiet day for customers at our booth as attendees were winding down their time at HIMSS and leaving to catch their flights home, but it was a busy day for Rhapsody leadership and talking about the future.

Our COO Scott Galbari sat down with HIMSS TV and with Chilmark Research to talk about healthcare trends and news. Scott shared his perspective on inequities in the healthcare system, recent activity in Congress in the healthcare and technology spaces, his personal health journey, and why he’s at Rhapsody. We look forward to seeing the results of Chilmark’s research and how Scott’s views compare to those of other industry leaders.

Rhapsody Chief Marketing Officer Michelle Blackmer spoke to IDC about the merger of Corepoint and Rhapsody 18 months ago, and how we are thinking about interoperability for the future. They shared that, fittingly enough, they had traditionally thought of us merely as an operator of provider infrastructure, but now consider us a full-stack interoperability provider and will mention and classify us as such going forward.

Read Stephan’s recaps of HIMSS21 Day 1 and HIMSS21 Day 2.

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