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Webinar: How to fill the health IT talent gap

Access an interactive discussion to learn how to solve IT staffing shortages through infrastructure modernization and external support from strategic partners 

Finding highly skilled IT talent has always been challenging, but the COVID-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation amplified this issue, leaving many healthcare organizations with deep talent gaps. A booming job market, competitive wages, and skyrocketing inflation have made it more difficult than ever to find and retain IT talent in healthcare.  

This labor shortage puts a strain on organizations as they modernize business models—with fewer staff. 

Learn how you can address staffing shortages by relying on a strategic interoperability partner for cloud services, IT support, and other professional managed service needs. 

We cover: 

  • The market drivers behind the health IT staffing shortage 
  • The implications of staff attrition gaps on health IT teams and organizations, such as security threats, clinician burnout, and patient safety 
  • Why healthcare organizations are turning to interoperability partners 
  • Why now is an opportune time to consider managed services in the cloud 

Meet the speakers:

Kevin Day, chief technology officer, Rhapsody

Kevin joined Rhapsody in 2021 and leads the technology, engineering, and IT teams. Kevin has a passion for technology, starting his career as a software engineer and progressing through team and organization leadership roles. He has a proven track record of successful commercial software development and has led customers and teams through cloud, digital, and agile transformations. 

Stephanie Santistevan, engagement manager, Rhapsody

At Rhapsody, Stephanie kicks off and manages customer engagements with Envoy and Rhapsody Integration Engine deployed as a service. Her interest in healthcare interoperability began as she helped a family member manage a chronic disease. She realized just how much the disconnected healthcare ecosystem impacted the effectiveness of a cross-functional care team.  Fueled with that experience and her resume full of Silicon Valley tech gigs, Stephanie changed careers to healthcare IT with a focus on interoperability. 

Rico Garcia, marketing solutions liaison, Rhapsody

With more than 20 years of experience, Rico helps healthcare organizations improve the efficiency and accuracy of data exchange through roles in marketing, sales support, and education. Rico is passionate about the importance of identity management in healthcare and enjoys promoting the Rhapsody culture and experience to customers and prospects. 

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