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Palos Health Workflow


Improving Patient Care in the Emergency Department

Timely patient data impacts life-or-death scenarios in the ED. Effective interfaces and workflows provide doctors the info they need at the point of care.

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Rhapsody 6.5: What’s New

We shifted 60% of our development resources to act on customer requests and feedback, enhancing the customer experience and expanding Rhapsody’s functionality.

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Patient Generated Health Data


How Patient Generated Health Data Affects Interoperability

Patient generated health data has major implications for business processes, clinical workflows, and patient care. Your approach to PGHD must be strategic.

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Complete Guide to HL7 Standards

Understanding one of the most commonly used healthcare standards worldwide is just the beginning. Our complete guide to HL7 standards will get you on the way to becoming a health data exchange expert.

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EHR PROS 2 - stockfresh 7904449 doctor-using-tablet-in-hospital sizeXS-min


5 Ways Electronic Health Records Improve Patient Care

Learn more about the ways electronic health records (EHR) improve every aspect of healthcare.

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Announcing Rhapsody 6.5

Rhapsody customers want more than a great product, they want a great partner. They want our expertise, knowledge of best practices, and our insights into what they can do to make their processes faster, more accurate and supportive of great outcomes for their customers.

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Inside Rhapsody 6.5

We are taking a closer look at the pillars on which the 6.5 update was built and how these changes embody our commitment to our customers and achieving a higher level of interoperability.

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Why is patient engagement important? 

Patients are becoming more involved in the decision-making process related to their healthcare. Learn more about the importance of patient engagement.

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