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Know Your People: Prioritizing your investment in accurate person data

An actionable guide to give you confidence in your organization’s person data.

Person data is at the foundation of data-driven healthcare. With the fast proliferation of data sources, person data needs to be unified and more easily understood in order to remain competitive and innovative, driving new opportunities for improved care and organizational growth. 

Download the guide, Know Your People, to gain insights and actionable tips to strengthen your data foundation, including

  • How clean and accurate data can lead to more precise diagnoses, treatment plans, and improved patient outcomes.
  • Opportunities to gain a competitive edge for revenue growth through improved patient care, increased patient trust, and reduced inefficiencies
  • How implementing a next-generation EMPI can give you confident person data, increase revenue, and decrease costs.

1 in 5

The number of patients who may not be
matched to all of their health records.

$1 million

The cost of duplicate person data per year for the average large hospital.


Percent of duplicate patient records within organizations.

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