
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

We feel your pain: Health IT system upgrades don’t always go as planned

Ecosystem Thinking Accelerates Innovation

It’s the end of the day, right before a long weekend. Against your best advice one of the hospital systems insisted on installing an interface upgrade midday. Everything looked good as the updates moved into production, and your workday proceeded normally.

Until now.

You just received a call from that department informing you that the interface isn’t running well, and the director wants the previous version of the interface restored. You immediately ask yourself:

Are all of the components of the previous production version backed up?


How many test revisions were built before the final production version was accepted?


Do you have the tools to complete this easily?


What about the messages that have processed through the interface? Do they need to be retranslated and resent? How easily can you find those messages in need of reprocessing?

In Corepoint Integration Engine a source control and configuration management system archives every version of the engine and every object modified and committed to the engine repository. Imagine being able to simply and dynamically roll the runtime engine back to its previous version, and, as a result, restore the interface to its exact previous configuration. If necessary you can review previous versions of Corepoint Integration Engine in browse mode and export the interface from the engine history, then import the interface back into the top of the source tree, restoring previous properties and definitions.



How about finding those messages that need reprocessing?

Corepoint users have a message log search page that looks strikingly like an Internet search page. Keying the search data in a single text entry box will search all interfaces looking for messages that match your criteria. Or you can set a specific time range in your search on named interfaces and return all of the messages on that interface matching your time range.

Do you have the tools to respond quickly and accurately when emergencies come up? Come look at Corepoint Integration Engine. We have what you’re looking for.

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