
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

Involve colleagues in interoperability activities using unique User Profiles

“Something’s wrong with the lab interface. We’re not receiving orders. Please check STAT!”

User Profiles in Corepoint Integration Engine give administrators the ability to filter or control interfacing activities that other users of the engine can perform without contacting the IT department. Engine administrators assign unique user roles, including access to starting or stopping interfaces, or permission to view log files.

Administrators have the ability to assign access rights to users or groups so they can monitor connections pertinent only to their workflows — which not only alleviates the number of “STAT!” messages from colleagues, but also empowers colleagues with important information about their data that can make them a virtual extension of the interface team.

A few examples of issues that User Profiles can help address include:

  • A user cannot find a patient in the database. What happened to the message?
  • An order comes in and contains incorrect information, such as the wrong ordering physician, a bad priority, or a bad date or time.
  • Did something happen to the message in the engine, or did a user simply enter the data incorrectly?
  • A system is not receiving data. Is the connection still up and running?

Watch the following short video to see User Profiles in action:

Unique User Roles is a key feature that has helped Corepoint Health customers achieve many organizational interoperability goals and initiatives. User Roles allow integration and exchange activities to extend beyond IT operations into the clinical realm.

Imagine workflow meetings attended by informaticists and physicians talking about potential improvements in how data is exchanged within the organization. With the powerful features available in Corepoint Integration Engine, health IT leaders are improving care by involving others in data exchange activities.


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