
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

Spinning your wheels with data integrations? Envoy iPaaS can get you moving

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No matter where you sit in the healthcare ecosystem, data integrations are hard. Your product or service may speed up revenue cycles, help doctors and patients connect virtually, or hold the cure for the plague of the 21st century, but if it can’t easily share data with other systems, you won’t get very far. 

Integrating health data is complex for a lot of reasons. For starters, there are dozens of healthcare data standards out there, and they’re constantly evolving. While we’ve seen vast improvements on the standards front over time, this just means there are more systems out there with variations in deployment. 

There’s also a myriad of EHRs and practice management systems. Even a single health system may have more than one EHR. The amount of data flowing through these systems is also skyrocketing. In fact, between 2016 and 2020, there was an 878% increase in healthcare data, according to one estimate. This data explosion leaves the healthcare terrain ripe for security threats, further complicating data flow. 

To keep up, you could hire, train, and retain a team of interface developers. But is beefing up your payroll really the best use of your limited resources, especially those that could be spent on your own product’s research and development? 

You can’t afford to take the slow road when everything around you is accelerating. 

Envoy iPaaS helps health IT teams plow through data integration roadblocks. As experts in the interoperability space for more than two decades, we know our way around data exchange. Healthcare integrations are all we do, and we’ve helped thousands of customers around the world speed up their data exchange so they can focus on their unique value propositions. 

To celebrate the launch of Envoy, Rhapsody executives recently hosted a virtual launch party where they answered audience questions about our newest interoperability offering and how it can help organizations remove constraints that limit data sharing. Put your integrations in high gear and check out the on-demand video now. 

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