
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

Radiology Gets Creative: Automating Paper Processes with Corepoint Integration Engine Improves Morale

Monitor Engine Health

Imaging centers have unique challenges and obstacles, especially as they grow through acquisition. I spoke to the CEO of a radiology customer from Houston recently who told me about how a simple workflow enhancement in the engine made a tremendous impact on his office staff.

The front desk personnel at one of their new facilities were printing reports all day for billing – the two people who handled the paper reports could barely keep up and barely had time to sit down and code the reports. The CEO saw how inefficient the process was and he wanted to automate things to make their jobs easier. The IT team created a workflow in the engine that not only allowed the front desk personnel to stop printing billing reports, it allowed them to stop handling paper all together.

Something that seems minor on the surface can result in a huge improvement in individuals’ daily work.

According to the CEO:

“They told me, “I don’t know how you did that, but that’s the greatest thing ever happen to us!” That kind of thing goes a long way to improve morale, productivity, and profits.”



To learn more about Corepoint Integration Engine and what it can do for you, click here!  



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