According to a recent article in Information Week, the deluge of health data is a growing concern. Corepoint Health customer Austin Radiological Association was quoted:
“The Austin Radiological Association (ARA) shares the storage and scalability concern, storing the vast majority of central Texas’s imaging studies. ‘We add more than 900,000 radiological exams annually to our archive, and, as of 2014, had 450TB of images under management,’ said CIO, R. Todd Thomas. ‘But our growth is not static.
In mammography, one of many types of the radiology exams we perform, images are moving from two-dimensional to three-dimensional images, which are 20 times larger than their two-dimensional counterpart. If ARA continued with a traditional, on-premises storage refresh cycle, in 2018, we would face a 555TB migration in mammography images alone, and by 2022 would need to migrate a petabyte of mammography images. By 2024, we are projecting to ingest 3PB annually on mammography alone. I simply can’t do a traditional storage migration on that scale.'”
The growing amount of health data is showing no signs of slowing down, which makes interoperability essential. Forward thinking health IT departments are working to get control of their data, breaking down the walls of siloed data repositories. By using Corepoint Integration Engine, providers do not need to look to their EHR vendor for interfaces and connectivity — they can determine when, where and what data they share with applications and databases. Plus, they can gain actionable insights that improve patient care.
Take control of your health data!