
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

Exciting News: Version 6.0 of Corepoint Integration Engine is Now Available

“Be quick but don’t hurry.” – John Wooden

I use that quote to kick off this post because version 6.0 of Corepoint Integration Engine was released today after extensive beta testing and refinement to ensure that it is as close to perfect as computer software can be. We’re extremely excited about the enhancements in the latest version and can’t wait to see how our customers take advantage of the new features and the scalability improvements.

We first started talking to customers about version 6.0 of Corepoint Integration Engine back in October 2014 at Corepoint Connect, our annual user group meeting. In a nutshell, the key product improvements include:

  • Enhanced data flow performance on a single server or virtual environment that makes it easier for organizations to scale.
  • Intelligent message tracking through a Log Search feature that employs a “Google-like” approach to trace the lineage of every health message back to its origination.
  • Audit Logging that provides insights on protected health information (PHI), including messages that were viewed, modified, and/or copied.
  • Graphical views of workflows and complex action lists.

Take a deeper look of the new features on our Take a Tour page.

We had a lot of fun teaming up with the crew at Corepoint Connect to film a handful of customers about what they’re looking forward to in 6.0, among a handful of other questions. You can watch the full video below.

Jeremy Goslin, interface analyst at East Alabama Medical Center, had this to say about 6.0 in the video:

“I’m super excited for the log overhaul. I’m also really excited for the move to SQL Server. I think that’s something we were already using a lot, on a lot of these interfaces for logging and for data analysis and reporting on the back end. So I’m excited about those two features in particular, because it fits into things we were doing already. And it just makes our job easier to keep track and make sure that everything’s still progressing forward.”

A few months ago I had the pleasure of speaking to Brad Lockwood, interface analyst at Middlesex Hospital. Brad attended Corepoint Connect and heard about the exciting features in 6.0:

“From a user standpoint, I would say I’m really excited about the logging because we’ll be able to see the transaction come in and see all the downstream systems. It will be easier than going in and saying, ‘Well, geez, what system? I’m going to go take a look at this system and see if it went there.’ Then, that’s where the graphing capabilities will also be a help.”

View the official news release for version 6.0:

Corepoint Health Announces Significant Enhancements to Corepoint Integration Engine

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