
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

DICOM information made interoperable with Corepoint Integration Engine DICOM Gear

Corepoint Action Points Workflow
  • DICOM Gear in Corepoint Integration Engine makes DICOM SR data interoperable
  • Radiology customers eliminate manual entry of DICOM SR info, improving accuracy and reducing processing time of each order

DICOM Gear in Corepoint Integration Engine is yet another way Corepoint Health helps customers gain full control of their data and improve workflows and patient care.

Our DICOM Gear (see feature demo video at the end) can be used to convert DICOM header information into an HL7 order message to be sent to a RIS or dictation system. This helps customers improve their workflows by improving the accuracy of the reports as well as the turnaround time needed to produce the final report. The data is more accurate and data-entry errors are eliminated.

There are many ways data extracted using DICOM Gear are being used by our radiology customers. The workflows we most currently see are when customers:

  • Map DICOM information into an HL7 order message. This solves the challenge when users have modalities taking images, but there is no corresponding RIS or EHR system creating an HL7 order. Corepoint Integration Engine solves this problem.
  • Map DICOM information into an HL7 order, including the DICOM SR information. This reduces manual entry of measurement and dosage information. The North State Radiology case study below discusses this workflow in more detail.

Read two case studies showing how DICOM Gear can be used:

Central Illinois Radiology Associates. Nate Anderson and Steve McHenry from CIRA share two innovative ways they are using Corepoint Integration Engine. The first involves using DICOM Gear to map XML data into an HL7 message, which is then used to create an order message in their PowerScribe 360 and variety of other destinations, including their billing provider. CIRA connects 15 rural clinics to its PS360 system. Nate and Steve also provide a summary of how they use Web Services to reduce the number of support calls from remote physicians. Read more.

North State Radiology (includes video). Scott Adair at North State Radiology discusses how he used the engine to developed logic to parse the DICOM SR and create an HL7 v2 order message that is sent to PS360. The process involves our DICOM Gear feature using the detailed measurement information contained in DICOM SR. The OBX segments in the HL7 order message are interpreted by PS360 as custom fields, which allow for automatic population of dictated measurement data for that study. Read more.

Click here to learn more about what Corepoint Integration Engine can do for you!

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