
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

Latest release of Corepoint Integration Engine offers interactive Monitor feature and batch processing technology

Corepoint Monitor
The changing needs of health IT continue to be addressed with the release of Corepoint Integration Engine version 7.0. The two main features of the release include a completely new Monitor feature and new technology to process batch files.

The new user interface for monitoring is designed around modern HTML5 technology. It includes intuitive navigation, rich color presentation, modern charting technologies, and lays the foundation for continued feature expansion.

Screenshot of the new Monitor:

Corepoint Monitor

But one of the most important features for healthcare is not flashy or colorful: it’s top notch privacy and security. With privacy and security an important issue for healthcare providers today, we felt it was important to not just focus on the look-and-feel of the user interface, but also ensure that only those users who are meant to see data are able to do so.

Since Meaningful Use Stage 1, Corepoint Integration Engine has been certified for the same privacy and security requirements required of EHRs. With version 7.0 we wanted to take that one step further to ensure that the security of the product meets the latest industry standards. Corepoint Integration Engine has undergone OWASP Level 1 security testing. OWASP testing includes subjecting an application to a “best practice” penetration testing framework that tests for the most common web application and web service security issues. By building the new monitor around this security framework, Corepoint helps its customers maintain an environment with the highest level of security.

Another main feature of version 7.0 is batch processing. Many in the industry suspected that batch files would have disappeared from healthcare by now, but the opposite has come true. We continue to see the need to handle more and larger batch files in healthcare. To handle the demand to process batch files, which can be GBs in size, we have installed new streaming technology into the engine.

The engine has always been optimized to scale with the high throughput of HL7 messages. With the new streaming technology, the engine can also scale to meet the needs of extremely large batch files with ease. New Action List operators have also been introduced into the product so that once the batch file is streamed into the engine, the operators provide the ability to process the file.

Release 7.0 once again proves that Corepoint Integration Engine continues to address market needs. Corepoint Integration Engine can scale to meet the most demanding environments in healthcare, from a throughput and operational perspective. In addition, Corepoint Health responds to other important aspects of the healthcare market such as privacy and security and batch processing.

Click here to learn more about what Corepoint Integration Engine can do for you!

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