
Dan Rice, Product Marketing Manager

Cloud migrations top-of-mind for Rhapsody customers 

At this year’s user group conference, CONNECT22, the topic of cloud migration resonated in session after session—from the keynote presentation and customer showcases to the final product-specific roundtable discussions. It was on our minds for various reasons, whether it be simple economics, IT staffing shortages, or scalability needs.  

Rhapsody has been delivering resilient “as a service” solutions for years, and one of our first Envoy iPaaS customers (UofL Health) presented again this year, speaking to their success and still running strong after five years using the solution.   

Below are a few highlights from CONNECT22 as it relates to the topic of the cloud journey. 

Rhapsody-led sessions involving the Rhapsody Cloud 

  • In his keynote presentation, Drew Ivan, chief strategy officer, noted that more than 100 Rhapsody cloud customers are already in production, including 33 added in the last year, with expected growth in this area. Rhapsody is investing and partnering for the future. 
  • In the Cloud 101 presentation, Kevin Day, chief technology officer at Rhapsody, and Brian Warwick of AWS discussed the strength of the AWS partnership and our common goals, including resiliency and flexibility to meet our customers wherever they are on their cloud journey. 
  • Within the software Roadmap and Roundtable sessions, the Rhapsody Product Management teams are focused on evolving roadmaps to help support and meet the most rigorous cloud computing demands of the future. 
  • In the Cloud Journey session, we focused on the Rhapsody methodology in migrating our customers to the cloud, delivered by two of our subject matter experts. 

Customer-led sessions focused on migrating to the cloud with Rhapsody

  • Dallas County: Dallas County leverages Envoy iPaaS, to quickly ramp-up vaccination tracking during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Caresyntax: With additional parameters for security, Caresyntax uses Envoy with all data in the cloud to de-identify all patient info, enabling Caresyntax to make surgery smarter and safer. 
  • University of Louisville Health: Darren Powell, Rhapsody Cloud customer since 2017, discusses his success with Rhapsody as a Service, navigating through multiple acquisitions, leveraging the cloud, and shares his thoughts for those following the same path. 

A use case for migrating health data integrations to the cloud 

During the final customer showcase, Darren Powell, AVP of Applications at UofL Health, mentioned several insightful questions to consider when evaluating drivers to move to a Rhapsody cloud offering (in his case Rhapsody as a Service): 

  • Your organization’s hardware capacity and costs 
  • Ability to scale your engine footprint quickly 
  • Size and skillset of your data center operations team 
  • Size and skillset of your integration team 
  • Do you want to deal with back-end Rhapsody administration tasks? 
  • Cost, redundancy, and supportability of your hardware environment and data center capacity 

There were also discussions surrounding the cloud migration approach inside of the Corepoint roundtable that I was able to listen in on, and in summary this is what I gathered: 

  • Planning is key to a successful cloud migration 
  • If you are taking the DIY approach, consider standing up a CaaS instance now, and migrate slowly over time (ignore the short timeframes given in earlier sessions by our PS team and take your time)   

Wherever you are in your journey to the cloud, Rhapsody can help.  

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