
Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

AHRQ: EHRs reduce hospital infections and other adverse events

From Healthcare IT News:

A recent study funded by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality suggests that patients with fully electronic health records experienced fewer adverse events such as hospital-acquired infections. In order to be considered a fully electronic EHR, “physician notes, nursing assessments, problem lists, medication lists, discharge summaries and provider orders are electronically generated,” according to researchers.

This is great news from the AHRQ. It’s a good reminder of why hospitals across the country were pushed to move to EHRs back when HITECH was introduced in 2009 during the Bush administration.

It also brings to mind one of the extremely helpful benefits of using Corepoint Action Points in Corepoint Integration Engine. Corepoint Action Points are data-triggered alerts/notifications that can be customized in any way, typically in the form of an email or a text message.

Take a look at how LHP Hospital Group is using Action Points to immediately alert cargivers via pager when a custom patient event has occurred. Read Delivering vital patient data at the bedside for their full story.

Now, imagine the unbelievable benefit of using Action Points if all IT application data passes through Corepoint Integration Engine? The possibilities are truly limitless to how patient care can be improved is caregivers receive real-time notifications.

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